There are many great sites out on the internet to help first year students make that transition from high school to university. Of course, many of them assume you are living in a dorm with people you do not know–another level of stress, if somewhat enticing. However here SJNY First Year Students face a different problem: how can I have a college experience while still living at home?
It is important to recognize that you are indeed in college now and no longer a high school student, even if Mom and Dad love seeing you in the morning and kind of think of this as an extension. Here are some sites that we have found which offer helpful advice to new college students. This list will grow as we find new sites.
Surviving and Thriving in College
Pros/Cons of Living at Home while attending college
And some sites for our own college:
Our Long Island Academic Advising Office [a portal connection so you may need to be logged into the Portal for this to work. You can find it under the “Academics” tab.]
The Portal itself
The Brooklyn Academic Advising Center can be found also via a portal connection.